+ What is the typical Process of engagement.
Understanding your business and your particular needs are paramount. We normally communicate via face to face, skype, email and phone to establish the facts and that we are the right partner for you. All of this is on a free and confidential basis.
+ When do I incur costs working with Alt-h.
Costs are always agreed prior to any engagement, so there are never any "surprises" concerning costs. We also prefer to stage payments, so that all clients are confident and can see work progressing without committing to any total project costs.
+ As a new client how can I be sure of the quality of your work.
In addition to staged payments, each stage of a project is clearly specified and agreed with the client. This includes any critical standards, timings and format of the expected output. We place a great deal of focus upon managing expectations, so a client knows what they will get.
+ What if my project objectives or needs change during the process.
Just like all business processes and operations, change is an inevitable consequence of markets and management behaviour. As such we look to work flexibly and accommodate "evolution" as a project progresses. Due to the staged nature and modular approach from ourselves, we can easily be re directed at any time. Often we will be looking for opportunities on behalf of our client to suggest possible new directions and opportunities.
+ What are your costs for your work.
Due to the broad range and varying depths of our client projects, almost all work is bespoke to that client. To accommodate this situation we undertake to ball park costs at a very early stage (to avoid wasting of any client time) and then firm up specific costs as soon as detail is known. We pride ourselves in having a very commercial and flexible attitude to costs and will work to a fixed project cost, a daily rate and even a performance related reward model - whatever works best for the client and is most appropriate for you.
+ My Project requires you to work from my office location.
As part of the project definition we would cover off the most appropriate locations for our work. Being based at a clients HQ, or satellite office is normally not a problem, including overseas locations.
+ How can I be sure Alt-h is the right partner for my business.
As part of the project discovery process and prior to any engagement, we will provide references and where possible relevant case studies to give you some comfort of our credentials and relevant skill sets. We also actively decline any projects where we feel we are not the right partners for a client, as we believe there are is shortage of worthwhile and positive projects, and no shortage of potential supplying partners - so it makes perfect sense to only work where there is an obvious fit and every chace of a successful outcome for all.
+ What Size of project and what time periods do you accommodate.
A project can be from one day only, to more than a year. The intensity of the work periods can be many consecutive days, weeks or months, or it can be a day per week or a day per month, or even completely irregular in demand. Due to our approach and successful results clients will normally build up there working time with us, as new projects are added, or expanded upon.
+ My potential project is very complex and large, will you have the resources to cope.
Until we know the detail and scope of a project we cannot confirm if we are the right partner. In addition, as with any business, if our resources are already engaged in live projects there may be a need to discuss an earliest possible commencement date, or we may well be unable to meet that projects critical timing. Whatever the case we will always quickly establish availability as just as we establish ball park costs, so that no time is wasted at the pre engagement stage.
If you have any further questions, please use our contact page to submit any message or question at any time. We undertake to respond to you within 24 hours.